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Oil Rig Platform

Carbon Monoxide (CO)

What Is Carbon Monoxide (CO) ? 

Not to be confused with Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Carbon monoxide (CO) is an odorless, colorless gas formed by the incomplete combustion of fuels. 

Uses of Carbon Monoxide (CO)   

Carbon monoxide is used in industry primarily as a source of energy and as a reducing agent. Both producer and water gas are burned as fuels for a variety of industrial operations. As a reducing agent, carbon monoxide is used to convert the naturally occurring oxide of a metal to the pure metal.

Is Carbon Monoxide (CO) Dangerous ? 

Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas that has no smell or taste. Breathing it in can make you unwell, and it can kill if you're exposed to high levels. Every year there are around 60 deaths from accidental carbon monoxide poisoning in England and Wales.